
Archive for: 2011

"Fede e giustizia: la lezione di Rosario Livatino"

Abstract: The news that the process of beatification of Rosario Livatino has begun provides us with an excuse to learn more about this young judge killed in 1990. He was a good example of how religious belief and strong convictions regarding the law and the pursuit of justice can come together. Regarding justice, Livatino underlined two important ideas: the clarity and […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Il principio di precauzione e il bene comune"

Abstract: The progressive development of science and technology demands a profound assessment of the relationship between a range of interests from innovation and the bene ts derived from new discoveries, on the one hand, and people’s well-being, health and security and the need to care for the environment, on the other. This article attempts to examine an institution, the precautionary principle, […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Vittorio Bachelet: uno sguardo verso la fraternità"

Abstract: The publication of a wide-ranging collection of the writings of Vittorio Bachelet gives the opportunity to examine attentively, but with humility, the role that a principle like fraternity has had in the life and work of this great expert in law who was killed be the Red Brigade. From Bachelet’s articles written as a student to the re ections of […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Lo Stato preventivo: un percorso ermeneutico"

Abstract: Review. According to Pasquale Ferrara the political form of the present is structurally inclined to terror. To make the idea, he deliberately uses an extreme word: deinocracy. The Author explains how the State security conditions put in place based on fear may generate what Ferrara calls a securitarian democracy. This is very different from the conditions leading to democratic safety, […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Will there ever be a shared history"

Abstract: The monograph of prof. Angelo Ventura, currently emeritus professor of contemporary history at the University of Padua, Per una storia del terrorismo italiano (A history of Italian terrorism) collects in one volume some researches and historical analyses carried out on the subject during the 1970s and 1980s. He directly experienced the dramatic season of the student protests in Italy. A […]
Lingua: English

"Ci sarà mai una storia condivisa?"

Abstract: La monografia del prof. Angelo Ventura, oggi professore emerito di Storia contemporanea presso l’Università di Padova, Per una storia del terrorismo italiano, raccoglie in un solo volume alcune ricerche ed analisi storiche svolte sull’argomento tra anni ’70 e ’80 del Novecento. Egli ha vissuto in prima persona la stagione drammatica delle contestazioni studentesche in Italia. Una parte dei gruppi politici […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Il principio di fraternità nell’educazione politica dei cittadini"

Abstract: This paper is an essay on the relationship between politics (poli- cy and politics) and “political education”, specifically about “political education” to citizenship. The paper studies a model for education in tune with our times: a cosmopolitan political education based on hu- man rights. From this point of view, the principle of fraternity helps us to think pedagogically about “human […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Il dono, tra reciprocità e agape"

Abstract: Having underlined the favourable conditions of the current situation in Italy, the article de nes the of terms used by the social sciences for the concrete dynamics of daily life. It then goes on examine a series of key concepts for the phenomenon of ‘gift’ and for its theoretical understanding: law (whose observance is seen also within the logic of […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Prospettive per una democrazia post-sovranista"

Abstract: Neither in its exercise nor in theoretical debate is the state’s sovereignty absolute any more. Indeed, a certain “fragility” can be observed in the traditional concept of sovereignty based on the definition of an impermeable territory and an exclusive identity. Instead greater consideration is given to “responsible sovereignty” and its functions. On this basis it is possible to judge the […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Criterios fraternales para la implementación de políticas públicas en materia de seguridad ciudadana y para la reforma de las instituciones policiales"

Abstract: This article deals with past and present police reforms. It argues that political control and policy making regarding law enforcement agencies are complex yet relevant issues that need to be studied and debated in both academic and public institutions. Fraternity, as a working concept, could be a useful tool for implementing new policies in orden to avoid previous mistakes and […]
Lingua: Español
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