
Archive for: charism of unity

"For a communion politics. A conversation with Chiara Lubich, held in the San Macuto Hall in Rome on December 15, 2000, attended by a great number of politicians from different levels and political views"

Abstract: Chiara Lubich views Italian history as the challenge of rebuilding a whole country starting from common values, especially after the Second World War, and acknowledges fraternity as one of the essential tools. She presents the commitment of the political movement for Unity that is made up by members of different parties, civil servants from all levels of public administration, members […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Fraternity on the horizon of the city"

Abstract: June 8, 2001, Chiara Lubich met the local politician and civil servants at the City Council of Trento for an open dialogue, involving the citizens. Introducing the Political Movement for Unity, Lubich presents the qualifying points of a politician that accepts the perspective of unity: to consider the political involvement as a vocation in service of the community; to appreciate […]
Lingua: Italiano
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