
"Riflessioni sull’etica e la fraternità politica. Uno sguardo dall’Argentina"

Lingua: Italiano
Abstract: Classical Greek philosophical thought distinguished between doxa (opinion) and episteme (science), making the latter the locus for gnoseology, metaphysics, and ethics. In this way, human actions are governed by knowledge of the truth, also in the political sphere, as underlined by Aristotle. Contemporary political practice, however, abandoning this position, is based on opinion: its policies reflect what the public thinks. But as this is not necessarily identified with the common good, it leads politics to make strategic choices not always founded upon “knowledge” of the good. In this context, the author considers the Political Movement for Unity, which proposes a new political practice that develops three basic concepts: humanity as a political subject, no longer employing the category of political enemies, and the notion of fraternal competition.
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