
Archive for: Economy of Communion

"Comunione: ‘spazio condiviso’ per un dialogo possibile tra economia e diritto"

Abstract: Practitioners of jurisprudence examining the relationship between law and economics, find themselves involved today in a debate that emphasises the differences between the two. The Economy of Communion (EoC), which has already been studied by economists is, instead, an opportunity for finding common ground between them. An example is the concept of communion which, while present in law and legislative […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Beni relazionali e sviluppo. Un contributo per l’analisi degli effetti relazionali degli aiuti allo sviluppo nel fenomeno dell’Economia di Comunione"

Abstract: The article presents a research project, related to the scientific and interdisciplinary debate on the issue of development and its “complication”, focusing especially on the importance of the relational dimension. The research was aimed at building a methodology for assessing the ability of development aid to generate “relational goods”. It has resulted in the definition of an analysis tool – […]
Lingua: Italiano

"The Focolare Movement and its social and political aspects"

Abstract: On September 15, 1998, Chiara Lubich presented the Focolari Movement to a group of European Members of Parliament, pointing out her proposal for a political and social renewal, by launching the Economy of Communion. Lubich underlines communion and mutuality in their evangelical roots as the common traits linking economy and politics, the commitment with the polis and the research of […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Address to politicians and enterpreneurs"

Abstract: On May 7 1998, Chiara Lubich presented the Focolari Movement, and particularly its commitment in the renovation of political and economical behavior, to a group of Brazilian Members of Parliament and entrepreneurs gathered at the National Parliament. Understanding the other’s reasons, perceiving diversity as richness and particular regard to the poor are the fundamental tools to address actual problems in […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Il lavoro come amore. Per una rilettura antropologica del discorso economico"

Abstract: The lack of an anthropological reflection on the nature of work is one of the most relevant lacunas of contemporary economics, that sees the worker as either human capital or economic resource. Human work is in fact relegated to the backstage of the capitalistic system, centred instead on impersonal and anonymous elements. This paper analyses some key characteristics of work, […]
Lingua: Italiano
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