
Archive for: Paglione| Maria L.

"Per un dialogo tra dono e amore. Alcuni spunti da un’intuizione di natura meta-sociologica"

Abstract: This paper follows the intuition that “gift” and “love”, in the social dimensions and dynamics through which they manifest themselves, are co-involved. It offers a comparative analysis – on the one hand – of the sociological thought concerning “gift”, developed by scholars of the Mouvement Anti-utilitariste das Sciences Sociales (MAUSS) – especially A. Caillé (1998, 2008) and J. T. Godbout […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Beni relazionali e sviluppo. Un contributo per l’analisi degli effetti relazionali degli aiuti allo sviluppo nel fenomeno dell’Economia di Comunione"

Abstract: The article presents a research project, related to the scientific and interdisciplinary debate on the issue of development and its “complication”, focusing especially on the importance of the relational dimension. The research was aimed at building a methodology for assessing the ability of development aid to generate “relational goods”. It has resulted in the definition of an analysis tool – […]
Lingua: Italiano
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